

  The embedded security feature HP Connection Inspector – can inspect outbound network connections, typically abused by malware, determine what is normal and th...

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  The embedded security feature HP Connection Inspector – can inspect outbound network connections, typically abused by malware, determine what is normal and then stop suspicious activity, the company said.He said the delivery from HP labs would help customers shut down malware attacks by raising the bar on embedded printer security to stay ahead of an increasingly challenging threat landscape.It said that across businesses large and small, mobility was transforming the workplace but printing had not evolved to keep up with this new reality for work away from the desk.HP Inc also announced the launch of a solutions hub – to be available in spring of 2018 which is aimed at optimisation of workflows for paper-intensive verticals such as healthcare, legal and financial services.

  By Hardev SanotraChicago, Sep 11 (IANS) Recent global malware attacks have alerted even companies making devices which are not normally subject to virus assaults to sit up and take notice.In the spring of 2018, it will come up with HP Roam which allows printing unbounded by time or geography. The new product enables mobile professionals to print any time from any location and any device, and retrieve their prints securely from a set of print locations at the office, at home or at public sites, says the company. The company is also delivering smart devices services – a set of cloud tools and device-based sensing capabilities to achieve highest uptime and lowest service costs including part failure prediction.

  A map will also show nearby public print locations, including at hotels, libraries and airports. The solution would also have advanced self-healing capabilities.Claiming to engineer the worlds most secure printers, HP said in a release that it would deliver trusted, resilient security that starts with endpoint devices secured by design with powerful layers of protection for the device, data and documents. An auto-discovery feature allows printing anywhere when a user comes with 20 feet high speed flat embroidery machines Factoryof any HP Roam-enabled printer (in the office, clients office or elsewhere).An app will send notification to release prints in the cloud queue, on authentication.

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